If there's one thing I can't fucking stand right now, it's the shitty, angry, what seems to just be collective appearance of perpetual annoyance of "my generation".
I've had a lot of shit go on lately, and while I don't take it out the normal way,
or sit around with a bunch of people acting like I'd rather be anyone else in the world,
I get that people with a different emotional and moral capacity need to deal with things in their own way.
But come on.
people who get pissed off after taking something the wrong way,
people who get pissed off because they think of something they want, and can't have,
people who get pissed off just because you can make a better point than they can.
So, you're girlfriend of nine months left you, hey, here's an idea;
act like someone died, and mourn the fucked up and stupid relationship -
hell, spend three months dwelling,
sure doesn't make up for how much you whinged in the relationship,
and how little effort you put in.
I'm sure this is an entirely personal thing,
because all this FML bullshit and that channelling rage at other people who do nothing wrong,
all it does it make you a mean, bitter person, who people dread being around for fear of being dragged down, and I've seen it and done it and it has so little appeal.
I just think it utterly selfish that you can be buried so deep in your own issues that you'd be willing to let it consume you completely, not only that but to bring down people who want to help you - these people you call your best friends, obivously meaning something different to the both of us - by projecting your negativity left, right and center.
everytime you begin one of there heinous cycles, I want to put the words in your head;
"to what end?"
where is all your whinging getting you?
what does this acheive?
what do you want to be doing right now, and how could you be doing that?"
and I know it's simple, and cliche, but only because it's the truth.
All those excuses about "venting", it doesn't go worth mentioning, because to people who do this, venting is a euphamism for totally draining the people around you.
I'm just not into it.
I'm not having a go at anyone specifically,
but when I find myself acting like some kind of vigilante, I think it best to allocate my irritation to one point, so that one may avoid or have there nose rubbed in it.
Shit, maybe I'm venting.
call me a fascist, if you will - reading over this, thats probably what I'd do -
but you better believe if I was in this situation, I'd rather have it pointed out than have people gradually drift away from me in disgust.
In the last few days, I've felt like hell,
nearly the emotional worst I've ever felt - but that doesn't mean shit to anyone, I don't let others measure my depth of emotional damage.
The thing is though, nobody knows or has noticed,
sure, my current situation has been assessed, rationalised and explained,
well, most of it.
This to the two wisest and least likely to emotionally overreact people I've ever met.
And I feel better for not having brought these people down with me.
The only thing I've let this feeling do to me is push me, and remind me how important it is not to let it change anything.
I know how different the world looks when things go rotten, believe me.
But it's no excuse.
And tomorrow, I won't feel any different - I know it.
Tomorrow, I'll be out of Sydney, in a totally unique place, with a totally unique girl,
tomorrow, maybe one of these people will gather some friends,
sit around complaining, acting like they've got some terminal illness,
in fact, I know someone that will.
but who could waste such greatness?
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