Monday, April 6, 2009

10 things to be happy about. (and I am)

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In no order;
1. My sweet escape on thursday.
2. My face burns healing in the next two weeks
3. Pinney taking his prettypictures
4. 50% maxin' relaxin' at 3:40 this wednesday.
5. Wonderboy visits before my departure.
6. More couch and loling times with Leish and Silas - Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants!
7. Bondage time with Crisp tomorrow.
8. I have a constant supply of Nirvana right now, its making me smile.
9. New diet starts on weds.
10. I love all of that but I know without it, I'd still be happy, because thats how my brain works.

thanks, life.

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